Essay CompetitionsDuring the past 4 years, NMSF has introduced 2 essay competitions for school students of Std. IX & X. Their titles & significance are briefly stated as under: 1. Nurturing Talent for Nobel Laureatism: The aim in this essay competition is to bring the younger generation closer to the lives and works of the present day “Nobel Laureates” through a humble effort of this sort. It may attract some good students to science streams, in due course, where more satisfaction prevails in the long run. This in turn will strengthen the R & D effort in basic sciences at the national level which provides the real platform for sound technological growth. 2. Space Exploration: The second essay competition permits children to explore their own curiosity in the realm of open skies. The children are aware that humanity has made tremendous strides in improving their own quality of life on earth through explorations of this kind. Exposing children to space sciences has therefore become a commitment for us. |