About Navi Mumbai Science Foundation (NMSF)
We, at Navi Mumbai Science Foundation (NMSF), a science led NGO, in our endeavor to assist development of scientific culture in society and scientific temperament in students plans and conduct a multitude of activities in an academic year. These activities are focussed on building problem solving attitudes and collaborative mindset amongst children so as to enrich their competence in such a way that it will ensure their successful transition from academics to societal needs.
In particular, our National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) related activity engages a large number of students and exposes them to the basics of research and the essentials of collaborative working culture. In an intent to provide platforms for interaction between students and creative personalities we conduct interactive sessions involving science and maths through our programs related with Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Award [HBYSA] Examination and Maths Olympiad.
We use our program Science Utsav to foster hands-on approach in science instruction and through Teachers' Conference provides prime opportunity to teachers to acquaint themselves first hand with the latest trends in the field of education from leading educationists as well as get to know the mindset of their colleagues as regards strategies of knowledge transmission.
Through our "fun with science activity" we convey the joy that science education has in store for students and through the signature event "world nuclear energy day" we continue to present facets of nuclear energy to science in a balanced light. What follows is a run-up of the year that was, detailing what NMSF is trying to defend and illustrating what it is trying to achieve.
The NMSF Team

Dr. Arun Bhagwat,
The Chairman

Dr. A.K. Rajarajan,
Vice Chairman & Secreatry

Dr. Kunal Muthe,

Dr. D. A. R. Babu,

Shri. Madhukar Bellary,

Dr. P. R. Sangurdekar,

Dr. S.T. Mehetre,

Dr. P. K. Joshi,
Member & Editor EduREKA
B-51,Gitanjali, Plot No.52, Sector-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703 [Regn. No.: Maha/2592/10/(Thane)]
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